Health,  Life


Forget about real estate for a sec.
We’ve been Safer At Home for a while now and the bigger message of this month’s Tom-Petty-Themed Update is: It’s alright.

Tom says:
“It’s alright if you love me
 It’s alright if you don’t”

I would add:
It’s alright if you learned a new language while you worked from home.
It’s alright if you watched all of the Tiger King… and everything else on Netflix.
It’s alright if you put your kids on a schedule and gave them enriching, hands-on activities.
It’s alright if you relied heavily on PBS.

It’s alright if you enjoyed the extra hours with people you love.

It’s alright if those people annoyed the crap out of you and you held self-imposed Time Outs, in your closet, with leftover Easter candy.

In case no one has told you, there is no one right or wrong way to quarantine. You’ve made it this far, slogging through unknown territory, and you’re basically amazing. Keep in mind, however, that the time at home is beginning to fade and reintegration is on the horizon.

Start planning now, so that you can take steps and be prepared for what’s ahead. Do you need to get yourself on a better sleep schedule? Do you need to make sure your pants still fit? Do you need to explain to your dog that you’re going to have to leave for a while but you’ll be back and that he’s still a good boy?

Whatever you need to do, it’s alright.

I’ve been reminding myself of this, too. All of my people, in the house, for all of the hours on all of the days, is a lot. A whole lot. 

Taking a cue from our title, have you had a breakdown? 

I did.

I know we don’t usually talk about this stuff, but since May is Mental Health month, I’ll toss it out there. I had a panic attack at the four week mark. I was scared and overwhelmed and there were no “real” answers and getting groceries had become a life-or-death operation. How did life become all of those things?!

I hyperventilated, in the middle of my driveway. It definitely put our grocery run behind schedule. 

When I got a little oxygen back, I started crying and I couldn’t stop. I cried with my whole body. The combination of fear and frustration and the loss of “life as we know it” took me for a ride. It sucked.

Eventually, I couldn’t cry anymore, which was good, because my husband had run out of dry spots on his shirt. That may not have been your experience; everyone handles things differently.

Talking and writing helps me a lot. Sometimes it’s good to get all that stuff out of you. It takes up too much space that could be used for peace, joy, creativity… whatever positive vibes you’ve got.  If talking or writing might help you, too, feel free to reach out –to me or someone else. We are apart, but we don’t have to be alone.

I’m going to leave it there, this month. If you want more real estate related conversation, hit me up; I’ve always got something to talk about. However, some things are more important to focus on, than business.

You are one of those things.

It’s alright. 

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