Hashtags and Happiness
When I started counting my blessings, my whole life turned around.
-Willie Nelson
So, it’s November. It’s undeniably Autumn. The last thing I would want to do is shoot out one of those cliche “Thankful” missives, just because this month happens to include Thanksgiving.
That’s exactly what this is, though. Only, not just because it’s seasonally appropriate, but because it is such an important thing to discuss. How often do you pause, with the sole intent of appreciating something?
I have to tell you, I ended up on a gratitude journey a few years ago, very much by accident. Had someone tried to tell me, I never would have believed the difference it made in my life, simply taking a moment each day to be thankful. I don’t keep up with meditation and yoga and oils and mantras and journaling and affirmations -even with apps on my phone to simplify the process and encourage me to get with the program. However, nearly every day, I pause to reflect on the day prior and find something to be grateful for.
I call them daily “wins.”
As you can imagine, the term “win” is relative. Some days, there are awesome examples and, occasionally, literal winning. Some days the best I can come up with is that I managed to brush my teeth. Tomorrow, I’ll remember how pleased I was that the quote I found to share with you came from Mr. Willie Nelson, which made me smile. The win you choose doesn’t necessarily matter. It is, in every sense, the thought that counts.
I catalog my wins/thankfulness/gratitude on Twitter and, more recently, Instagram and I use the hashtags #thankful and #WhatWillWinToday. The second one is to remind myself to keep an eye out for things or experiences that would make good targets for gratitude. This is how I fell into the path of thankfulness and it works for me.
I invite you to join me.
In whatever form or capacity or medium that works for you, I invite you to take a moment each day and find some positive thing to be grateful for. Even on the worst days, good things are around. I promise. You’re welcome to share or to keep these nuggets to yourself- I’m pretty sure there is no right or wrong way to be grateful.
I’m not going to drag you through a list of daily thankfulness, leading up to Turkey Day, but I would be remiss if I failed to mention that I am grateful for you. You are the people who have trusted me to help with some of your biggest life decisions. The people who have given my name to friends or family, with a vote of confidence. The people who have kept me from being unemployed. I couldn’t do this without you, for obvious reasons, but I’m so glad to be doing these things together.
#gratitude #powerofpositivity #thankful